Summer Time Safety: Stinger Nets Being Installed

CCRC Stinger Nets


Beachgoers: Stinger Net Installation
The weather is heating up which means we are entering stinger season. Stinger nets are scheduled to be installed in the coming days.
Nets will be situated at:
Etty Bay
Kurrimine Beach
Mission Beach
South Mission Beach
During the warmer months, marine stingers may be present in our tropical waters. There have been reports of bluebottles in our waters so we advise the community to be vigilant when entering the water at the beach.
Did you know that stinger nets across the region only protect you from box jelly fish stings? This is due to the size of nets and the small size of bluebottle and Irukandji jellyfish. Box jelly fish are typically sighted in our waters from about mid-November.
You can minimise your risk of getting a nasty sting by always swimming in stinger nets where provided, wearing protective clothing, and not swimming when beaches are closed.
For the current status of beaches located in our region, please visit the Surf Life Saving website at:
First Aid for Tropical Marine Stings
1. Call for medical help (ring 000).
2. Assess the patient and perform CPR if necessary.
3. Douse the sting site with vinegar as soon as possible. Vinegar inactivates the stinging cells, preventing them from injecting more venom.
4. Reassure the patient and keep calm until medical help arrives.
5. Wait at least 45 minutes before re-entering the water as symptoms of Irukandji syndrome can take a while to develop.
6. If in doubt, treat as Irukandji sting.