If you have any inquiries or concerns in your area about current or upcoming issues, come along to Mission Beach Library on Thursday 15th August from 1.00 pm - 2.00 pm to chat to our Councillor's, Cr Trudy Tschui and Cr Ellen Jessop.
Call 0457 145 983 or email
Rate Notices have been issued Wednesday 7 August 2024.
A 5% discount applies to general rates if payment of all rates and charges are received on (or before) close of business of the due date.
If you’ve chosen to Go Green for e-notices, you will now receive email rates notices via EzyBill, Council’s new digital rates issuing service.
To pay online or to see other payment options visit www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/payment-options
Cash or cheque payments can be made at Australia Post Outlets.
To learn about how Council calculates rates and other frequently asked questions please go to https://www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/rates or call Council on 1300 763 903.
To Go Green with EzyBill and receive future rates notices by email register at https://cassowarycoast.ezybill.com.au/
A great reminder to take the lead when taking your dog for a walk. Learn more about council’s new dog patrols at New Dog Patrols
On-the-spot fines for dog owners who fail to control their dogs in public places have increased to $806.
This includes having a dog off-leash in an on-leash area. Or, if the dog is in an off-leash area, the owner must be able to control the dog using voice command.
For fatal attacks, owners face fines up to $108,000 and possible jail time.
Council or State Road - how to find out!
The Cassowary Coast region has a 1550km road network, with about 1200km of council-owned and managed roads. The remainder are state-controlled roads, owned and managed by the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
If you wish to report a concern around a local road, it's a good idea to find out who owns it first. That's why we've embedded the road lookup tool on our website at: https://www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/road-bridge-network
Calling all Cassowary Coast Community Groups and Not-For-Profit organizations............ we are eagerly waiting for you to apply - CLOSES NEXT WEEK!
You can apply for up to $5000 to support your group's minor or major project, whether it's enhancing sustainability, promoting social wellbeing, celebrating arts and culture, or boosting our local economy.
If you have a vision for positive change in our community, this is your opportunity to make it a reality.
Submissions for Round One close on 15 August.Don’t miss out on this chance to apply!
For more information on eligibility and to access the Community - Grants and Support Program Guidelines, visit: www.cassowarycoast.qld.gov.au/funding-grants