Reminder: The Rainforest School Severely Impacted by Flooding - please help!

Rainforest School


From the Rainforest School - We need your help!


Last Saturday, a record-breaking flood destroyed our beautiful little school. The schoolhouse was inundated with 800mm of water throughout the entire building. We have lost so much and sadly it has left our students and staff without a place to call home.


The Rainforest School’s greatest need is to resume our educational program and minimise the impact on our students’ learning. We are asking for your support to help us get back on our feet. We need to purchase new resources for our students and set up a temporary educational space until our schoolhouse is repaired. Your support would be invaluable to the education and wellbeing of our students.


Please use the following link if you would like to support our cause:

This natural disaster has brought home our need to act on our long-term goal: to build our forever home. We are a registered charity with the ACNC and your donation will be tax deductible. We invite you to help us achieve this dream.


Thank you very much!


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